Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Happy New Year!

"New year-new me!" is one of the most overused phrases this time of year. I don’t think that anyone should be aiming for a “new me” just a slightly improved happier “me.” New year resolutions are always looked at as something that is never achievable. Well I totally disagree. New Year resolutions give you a chance to WANT to improve, and despite if you do or not-at least you knew you wanted to. Every year I make a New Year resolution and sometimes they’re successful and sometimes not-but at least I know that I actually wanted to change. For 2012 I wanted to spend less time on Facebook. Unfortunately I didn't actually achieve it that year (although I did in 2013 but I don’t think replacing it for tumblr is allowed). In late 2012 and early 2013 I felt like crap about myself everyday so I decided that I couldn't’t achieve anything with such a negative attitude therefore I decided that by 2014 I would be happier. It seems so simple but it wasn't-it wasn't until around maybe August that I really tried. But I’m here and I am happy.

This year I decided that I will take more photos as I am really getting into photography and feel as if I need to remember this year as I’ll be: getting my license, graduating high school, going to formal and hopefully just genuinely have a great year.
Maybe you can come along with me on this fantastic journey.

Kelsiefood. Amateur At Everything.

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