Monday, 5 January 2015

Welcome 2015

Howdy everyone! Well, this is my first post of 2015. I feel as though I should say generic things like “2014 flew by” and “wow I haven’t seen you guys since last year!” What I am going to say, is I hope 2015 is joyous for you, remember that the world is your runway and no matter what you try to do, try your best and that’s enough to succeed.

I know New Year’s resolutions are so dumb and that if you really want to do something, you should just go ahead and do it. I completely agree, but despite that, last year I actually set myself a serious one (not like previously, where I had basically just told myself each year that I should get a boyfriend). Last year was a big one for me, I graduated high school, I got my license, and I genuinely just knew that last year would be very important. I decided to take a photo a day, upload it to a private Instagram, and the end of the year print all the photos out and put them in a book. I am so proud of myself that I actually completed it. 

Here is a montage of some of my favourite parts (obviously I cant show all):

2015 is hopefully going to be filled with love. I haven’t made a New Year’s resolution this year, but I do have a couple of goals that I’d quite like to do this year (without the pressure of being a “New Year’s resolution.”)

-Stop being so bitter. Life isn’t about showing your negativity, despite your beliefs, spread the love.
-Buy a new computer. You know that yours is out of date, you know you need to get a new one, just do it, go and get a new computer. You deserve it.
-Save your money (kind of contradicts the above point), sometimes you don’t need to spend $25 on KFC chicken nuggets, no matter how god damn good they are.
-Blog more. I love my blog, and I love writing and photographing things for my blog and I want to do more of it in 2015.
-Drink more water, eat healthier and do exercise. You are young, allow your body to be that way too.
-Don't be so secretive. Finally tell someone (your sister), about your blog. It isn’t going to be as big of a deal as you’ve been making it out to be.
-Travel, and be more “in the moment” than “plan 8 months ahead”.
-WWPD? What Would P****** Do? (I can’t say the name due to confidentiality, but it is a certain teacher who influenced your life a hell of a lot last year.)

I know it seems as though I have a lot of goals, but if I half-completed all of these, I would be pretty damn happy.

A note to people reading: make 2015 your year, you are worth so much and deserve so much self-love. Respect yourself and peace out. *peace sign emoji*

Kelsie, xxx

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